Saturday, November 24, 2018

Guinness and Dublin

Our Saturday began with a 
tour of the 
Guinness Factory.  

There are 3 million pints of beer brewed here EVERY DAY!  The tour was unexpectedly fun.  We were inside Guinness for almost three hours.  Highlights included a small "how to taste a Guinness" the "how to properly pour a pint of Guinness" (and drink it), a taste test of a citric Guinness and finally a pint of Guinness on their top floor 360 degree overlook with great views of the city!

Knowing that we had precious few hours of daylight in which to tour the rest of the city, we took an Uber to St. Steven's Green - think Central Park but in Dublin.  The driver, like most Irishmen, was conversational and informative.   At 4:00 we finally settled down for lunch in a pub.  

We walked the iconic Grafton Street a final time to soak in the Christmas lights and atmosphere.  

We walked the quad at Trinity College before stopping at a pub in the Temple Bar area for a  ceremonial round of Baileys and some traditional Irish music before walking back to our apartment.   

It was a great day.  


  1. It sounds lovely. Your photos are beautiful. I’ve enjoyed your trip. Pack a Cadbury for me.
    Safe journey home to all of you! Thanks for the blog.

  2. I have relived my trips to Ireland through your journey. I REALLY like the the Guinness brewery too. It was more of a Guinness museum then a beer making center. I particularly liked some of the old advertising. Like the fish riding the bike. Safe travel home.

  3. We had a Bailey's for dessert yesterday, along with pie of course. No Guinness, though! Thank you for the blogs. I looked forward to them everyday. Safe journey home.

  4. If you don’t return to Green Bay and write a newspaper column, I think you should pick-up where James Joyce left off in Dublin. Great travelogue! Thank you!

  5. I enjoyed traveling vicariously through you. What a wonderful trip! Safe travels home.
