Monday, November 12, 2018


Before we left Ballintubber, we had a last Irish Breakfast with our hosts, Bridget, Sean and their son.  This breakfast was even bigger than our previous breakfast feasts!  We had three kinds of sausages, cereal, juice, coffee, ham, scones, Irish soda bread, eggs, tomato and fruit.  She seemed genuinely surprised when we couldn't eat it all.  "Here dear, take this plastic bag and take the scones and breads.  You can have them with a cup of tea later in the day".  After chatting we discovered that Sean, Bridget, Cathy and I had all been on the same plane from Chicago to Dublin!  What a small world!

The ride to Galway was mercifully only an hour long and the roads were....fine.  We walked the coastline of Galway Bay.  Any of us who grew up in an Irish household listening to Dennis Day and Bing Crosby singing Irish Music remembers the song, Galway Bay.  It reminds us all to watch the sun go down o'er Galway Bay.  
We later ducked into a coffee shop to wait out a short rain and strolled the pedestrian mall where the shops and windows were already decked out for Christmas.

We later visited the Galway Cathedral.  Ancient looking for being built in .....1965!  I was wearing shoes older than that.  Inside they were practicing for a concert tonight commemorating the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day.  We are seeing lots of photos and news about Theresa May and Emmanuel Macron and we were wondering if the anniversary was as big of a thing in the US and we were also wondering why Trump was not with May and Macron.  
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We came upon St. Nicholas Church.  Cathy:  "Is it Catholic?"  Me:  "It was".  (See previous post regarding Cromwell).  

Finally we made arrangements for a bus tour which will bring us to the Cliffs of Moher tomorrow.   After a stroll up to the street for a quick pint it was off to bed!


  1. You will LOVE the Cliffs of Moher. The last time I was there I had to caution a few kids from taking "selfie's as they stood with their backs against the edge. Also we found the gift shop prices more reasonable than at other stops. Hope that is still the case.

  2. Sounds like you’re having the quintessential Irish visit. Beauty of nature, warm and gracious hosts, churches galore and a bit of rain. The last one explains why Trump wasn’t with Macron and May. Yes, the 100th commemoration (not celebration) of Armistice Day was a big thing here, unless you watch Fox News.
    Have a wonderful time as you journey on.
