Thursday, November 15, 2018


A two-way street in
Today was one of those unexpected pleasure days that happens every now and again when a person travels.  The weather was once again "soft".   There was no reason to continue our stay in Killarney so we headed off in the general direction of Cork.  The driving was going well so we continued to a smaller city, called Cobh (pronounced Cove).  We had been here 17 years ago and when we were here we enrolled the girls into a school for part of the day.  The city holds fond memories for us and even back then we said we'd like to come back when we retired.  

Cobh is the home of St. Colman Cathedral.  It sits upon a great hill overlooking the

harbor.  We ducked into the church to say a prayer and to soak in it's beauty.  It is truly a beautiful church and dominates the city.  Later, as we strolled the dock area, the sun came out and the world seemed a better place.  

The city of Cobh was the last stop of the Titanic before it left for New York, so there is a Titanic experience/museum in town to which we availed ourselves today.  

The port of Cobh was also the port of exit for many of the Irish during the famine years.  During the famine 6 million people left the country, 2.5 million of them left from this port.    

It is truly a beautiful city and we'll be sad to say good bye to it tomorrow as we head to Kinsale.  


  1. For so many of those people, Cobh was the last they would ever see of their home. It must have been heartbreaking.

  2. Sounds like a lovely day. Cobh is truly a place that makes you realize what it must have been like for all those fleeing their homes for a chance of survival. St. Colman must have been the last site visible to them as they sailed away. John F. Kennedy (the president, not the one on the Starline ticket) ate in Kinsale. I think he ate at a place appropriately called The White House. Have a great time. Love the blog and your photos!

  3. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and reflections. The cathedral is beautiful, but I wonder how it continues to be maintained. Contract ticket for the steerage was quite informative. Looking forward to your next stop.

  4. Can you imagine putting a loved one on a ship heading for America and knowing it was unlikley you'd see them again?
