Monday, February 22, 2010

Sunday's To Do List

Sunday's to do list:
See the Pope....check
Mass @ St Peter Bascillica......check
Tour the Bascillica...... check
See body of Pope John xxxIII.....check
See Michaelangelo's Pieta.... check
See tomb of pope John Paul II....check
Get view from atop Bascillica.... check
Try Rome's best Gellato (Erin).. check
See St. Peter's @ night... check
Today's funny incident:
While atteding Mass @ St Peter's bascillica, we went up to receive
Communion. For some some reason the usher sommoned me (& only me) to
come to the center aisle to receive. Beimg God's humble servant I
hesitated. He then motioned to me again and I obeyed. While I was
humbled by this honor, I know that the center line just finished first
and the usher was trying to finish the communion distribution as fast
as possible. But hey, it's my blog and I can write what ever I want.
Today' stupid incident:
Let's just say there is a difference between St Peter's Musem and the
Vatican museum. We saw St Peter's Musem.
All in all - a great day!
Ken, Cathy & Erin


  1. Sounds like you're having a wonderul time. Erin must be having fun being the guide. Glad you saw the pope. BTW..Try spelling BASILICA like this. See if you like that better. :)

  2. Tell me, in Rome do they say, "The mass is ended, go in peace," BEFORE it's actually over, just to temp the antsy-pants to make a dash for the door?
