Sunday, February 28, 2010

A Funny Thing Happened...

A Funny Thing Happened On the way
to the .........Borgheese Gallery actually.
I got pick-pocketed. Roman subways
and buses are noted for their pick-
pockets. I accused a woman, the
authorities got us off the subway and
we spent some time in a police sub-
station but being a good pick pocket,
she had already passed my wallet to a
colleague. I lost the wallet, a liitle
Amer. Cash, 2 credit cards, an ATM
card, drivers license and a little respect
for the Italian police, who seemed to
think that I made the whole thing up
just to inconvience them.

Undaunted, I cancelled the card and
rejoined Cathy and Erin at the ancient
Pantheon (pictured above), now a
Catholic church. After a gellato, we
went on a church visiting spree. We
"hit", St Ignacio, Gesu and Santa Maria
Sopra Minerva before sitting down at
an outdoor cafe for an Itallian dinner.

After dinner Erin brought us back to
her place, The John Felice Rome Cener
operated by Loyola of Chicago. It's old,
nice, safe and small, probably about
250 students. While there, were able
to Skype (video call using the internet)
with Kathleen, Jon & Mary Jo. After
saying goodbye to Erin and borrowing
a little money, Cathy and I made our
way back to our hotel to eagerly await
our 5:15 wakeup call.

1 comment:

  1. NO ONE told you to buy a money belt? I have NEVER seen the need to wear it in the U.S. but ALWAYS wore one when I traveled offshore. Guess I just figured Europeans were used to seeing old know.
