Friday, February 26, 2010

Rome from the Bottom Up

Today we took the tour that we had asked for months ago, the Scavi
Tour. In brief, the Scavi tour is an underground tour of Ancient
Rome's necropolis (literal translation - city of death). The ancient
Roman cemetery/mausoleum was covered by the emperor, Constantine. The
current St Peters Bascillica was built upon the site with the main
altar directly above the grave of St Peter.

Erin had to return to school for midterms while Cathy and I spent the
day visiting the Vatican Museum, the Sistine Chapel, the Cappuccin
crypt (which is another long story) and St. John Lateran which was
home to the Popes for about 1,000 years! All the Popes had been
"crowned" there up until 1870.

Our last stop of the day was at the Holy Stairs (Santa Scala), brought
from the Holy Land in 326. The steps were from Pontius Pilate,
meaning they are the steps walked by Christ on the day he was
crucified. People still climb these stone steps today - but only on
their knees.

More touring in Rome Tomorrow!



  1. Glad to see you're getting around. You've got one more day of walking, so see everything that you can. Hope you are taking lots of pix.

  2. Between Holy Stairs and all that gelato, your knees must be screaming for mercy. Have a great last day.

  3. I can't wait to hear all about your trip on Sunday night....... How about going out for some Italian food on Monday night?
