Saturday, December 3, 2022

Brussels and Amsterdam


It was hard saying goodbye to Erin as she left at 6:50 this morning.  It was also hard to say good bye to Brugge.   We truly enjoyed our time there.
Grote Market

One of the great things about traveling is the unexpected.  Our itinerary called for a 2 hour wait in Brussels as we changed trains heading for Amsterdam.  Instead of wasting "all that time" we stowed our luggage in the train station and headed into Brussel's city Grote Market (Grand

Place).  I'll try to attach some photos.  The views were amazing and with the huge Christmas tree and the nativity scene in the square it was truly spectacular!
View from our window
Outside RijksMuseum

We made it to Amsterdam later in day but still had time to walk the suitcases to our hotel room and then walk along one of the canals to the Royal Palace on Dam Square.  From there we took an Uber to Rijks Musuem.  It was closed of course but in front of it was a skating rink, part of Ice*Amsterdam  (artificially cooled as it was too warm) and
Royal Palace

plenty of Christmas lights.  After a simple dinner at Leidse Square we headed back to our hotel. 

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