Thursday, October 12, 2017

Wandering Around Vermont


Last night was a good test of our camper.  Temps went down to 39 degrees!  We had an electric heater and slept wonderfully!

We left the campsite today for a road trip.  We wandered up to Burlington.  Wandering is what you do on Vermont state highways.  Sure, they have speed limits but they aren't really necessary.  I believe they have a volunteer band of senior citizens that have all taken a pledge to drive 5 miles an hour UNDER the speed limit.  Most roads are one lane and swerve around the mountains.  It's a very effective tool.

Our first and most surprising stop of the day was at the tiny Norman Rockwell exhibit in Arlington, VT.  The exhibit of many of Rockwell's prints was in a room not much bigger than a large living room.  It was in this room that we met Donald Fischer.  If you don't recognize his name it's ok.  We didn't either.   Don is the young man who modeled for Rockwell's Saturday Evening Post's cover of the young man going off to college.  We purchased a copy of the print ($15) and Don signed it for us.  He was a wealth of knowledge of Norman Rockwell.  He knew all of the people that Rockwell drew during his years in Arlington.  "Well, sure I knew everybody.  It's a small town".  

Our new friend also told us how to find Rockwell's house which is pictured below.  The red wooden bridge leads right to his front door.  There is nothing in the tour books about it nor are there signs to lead you there.  Thanks Don!

The next stop on today's tour was at the Chocolatier, just a few miles away.  It features a one hundred pound hollow chocolate bear.  

We moved on to the Maple Syrup Museum.  We stayed just long enough to take our picture in front of this huge maple syrup jug.  This is what you do when you're on the road.    
Maple Syrup Is A BIG Thing
In Vermont!
Norman Rockwell's home

Wooden bridge leading to Rockwell's home

Don is on the right
Click to enlarge

Our new friend Donald Fisher

A 100 pound stocking stuffer


  1. I just caught up with your travels. It looks like your having a great time.

  2. I particularly like your including the pictures. Your trip brings back so many good memories to me. Hal and I used to do what you two are doing, including that visit to the little Norman Rockwell Museum! Are you seeing some pretty colors? My family in MA tells me the trees are not as colorful this year.

  3. Is the Pancake Museum next to the Maple Syrup Museum?

  4. Cool places! Have fun and enjoy. Hope you get to see Kathleen this weekend.
