Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Regensburg and Prague

 This morning we woke up at our very last port on the Danube, Vilshofen, Germany. After putting our bags outside our door by 7:00 am, we had breakfast and we were on our bus for an 8:00 am trip to Regensburg via the famous German Autobahn.  During our drive our guide pointed some of the May poles that some of the smaller towns an villages still decorate and use.  

The city of Regensburg counts Pope Benedict as one of their own. The old town area of Regensburg has cobblestone roads, a very nice bakery, cute shops and ……. A Cathedral.   The cathedral is St Peter’s.  It took over 250 years to build and while it is still an active Catholic Church, it is owned and is being renovated by the German Government.  

    After our lunch which consisted of 6 sausages, sauerkraut, bread and beer we reboarded our bus and we were off to the Czech Republic.  

   Prague and the Czech Republic was under Communist rule until 1989.  We got to our hotel (The Marriot) with just enough time to quickly unpack and take a short walk to the old town Square for dinner.  The outdoor cafe at which we ate was directly across for the astronomical tower clock that has been in operation since the early 15 century.  

   Tomorrow we taking a walking/bus tour of the city and hope to check out the Norbertine Abbey, Strahov Monastery during our free time in the afternoon.

Astronomical Clock in Prague

Old town square in Prague

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