Friday, June 23, 2023

Madrid Day Two

 We were up and out of our hotel a little earlier this morning - but just a little earlier.  It's difficult to eat dinner at 9:00, get home after 10 and fall asleep right away.

   Our breakfast was eaten at the Mercado de San Miguel in Madrid.  If you've ever been to MIlwaukee's Public Market it's very much like that.  However many of the foods on display were unknown to me.  We ended up having ham, cheese, and empanadas.  Ham seems to be everywhere and is called Jamon.  

   We made walked through a number of smaller squares and made our way to the Madrid Cathedral.   It was completed in 1993 after being under construction for almost 100 years.  I'm not sure why but Madrid did not have it's own official Cathedral for almost 300 years.  

   Directly across the street is Spain's Royal Palace.  Thankfully, Kathleen had booked tickets ahead of time so we did not have to wait in the extremely long line in the extremely hot weather.  The Palace is no longer used as the king's residence but is still used for official occasions.  It is most often used for tours.  The opulence is mind numbing.  The ceilings, walls, statuary that took 100s of years to accumulate or create.

   We stopped at a cafe for sangria and water on our way back to our hotel where we had stored our bags.  An odd thing that happens is while you wait for your food or drink, the waiter brings a plate of large olives.  We took a cab to the train station during which Erin received another compliment on her Spanish.   We now head to Torremolinos, a resort town in south eastern Spain.  We chose Torremolinos for it's close proximity to the beach and the town of Tarifa. We planned on taking a day long guided tour to Tarifa and then a ferry ride over to Tangier, Morocco.  We were notified yesterday that because of expected high winds the tour was being cancelled.  So now we are considering renting a car, driving to Tarifa and still taking the Ferry over to Tangier.

The transcript at the Cathedral in Madrid
                    The Royal family.  
                In front of the cathedral
In front of the Royal palace


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