Thursday, November 4, 2021

Bits and Pieces

These are some quick hit type things:

One of our housemates brought a dinasour costume with her.  We were unsure how they would react but it was a huge hit with the kids.

While there are some people leaving (being resettled) there is no significant change that we can see in the population.  We've learned that the Afghan population is not being "backloaded".  Meaning, as they leave they are not being replaced by others as they move out.  There may be some new people coming in because of family issues but not many.  The idea is to close down Fort McCoy as soon as possible and consolidate the remainingguests at a warm weather military installation.  However, that could be a while. Tare many Afghans still at foreign bases that may be coming to the U.S. but we were told they will not be coming to Fort McCoy.

   As we travel around the base we see a lot of Afghans - a lot of Afghans.  It is very rare to see a man and a woman walking together.  There are large, medium and small groups of people but virtually all are single sex.  
   This is exciting time for many of the people here in one of the neighborhoods we serve  The base has started a second round of clothing distribution.  Most of the people here arrived 10 weeks ago.  Early in the process they were given some clothing.  Now, they are doing a second round of clothing distribution.  Each person has 20 minutes to select 8 pieces of clothing.  As for shoes, the guest states their shoe size and they are given a pair of shoes in that size.

   One of the groups I forgot to mention are our "bonus helpers".  There is a small number of Afghan children who help us in the volunteer center.  They are incredibly nice, polite and friendly.  They get nothing for their service except the acknowledgment of wearing an index card name tag which  hangs around their neck on a string.  While their English is not perfect it is good and they are able to explain things to the children that we can not.  It is difficult for me to explain to you the "only slightly controlled" chaos which is the center.  At the end of a particularly trying day, Cathy teared up when she and one of 12 year old bonus helpers were going behind the curtain where everything is kept.  They reached the curtain at the same and he pulled it back for her, and motioned  for her to go first.  I guess it really is the little things.


  1. Thank you for this description of life at Ft. mcCoy. These little ones have to grow up too fast. You are bringing joy and love into their lives.

  2. How interesting! Thank you for sharing.
    It’s impossible to understand what they are experiencing, but you’re doing a good job in describing the situation.

  3. Ken and Cathy you are a part of history. You have taken the bad; the war and the mess when trying to get the people out of Afghan and showed the Afghan people love, support and most importantly….
    Hope ❤️!
    May God bless you, all the volunteers and the Afghan people.
