Monday, September 25, 2017

Poconos 2017

                                                POCONOS HERE WE COME!
Cathy and I have "dusted off" our pop-up camper and we have been thinking about traveling around
Florida for a little while this winter.  To be prudent, we decided to take it for a shake down voyage. We were thinking maybe a night in Peninsula State Park or maybe Potawatomi, just South of Sturgeon Bay or if we were adventuresome, maybe haul it all the way over to Point Beach over near Manitowoc.  So after considering these options, kicking around the positives and negatives of each park and trying to make the most logical of decision we've decided to go to Mount Pocono in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania!

Thank you Erin and Bill for agreeing to stay at our house while we are gone.  We'll breath easier knowing you are there.

Now, many of you have expressed an interest in following us in this little adventure so we have resurrected this blog.  Ok, to be honest we wouldn't say "many" of you but maybe a few of you expressed interest in following us.  Ok, maybe not a few, but somebody,...... Well, there COULD be somebody who might want to know where we are, maybe like in case of an emergency.  Anyway we intend to update this blog as we go.